Based on our long-term experience in governmental and private reaseach sectors both in Japan and the Czech republic, Czech Business Park, Ltd., provide a wide variety of tailor-made services related to the two countries - either to develop your business there or just simply to enjoy the hospitality as a tourist. We also provide a wide variety of translation and interpreting services.
Business matching is the pilot service of Czech Business Park, Ltd. The goal of this service is to find a suitable business partner for you, to initiate mutual negotiations, and to take care of your agenda in order to make the process of building your position in Japan as most effective as possible. In the final stage we can help yu establish your local branch here in Japan.
If you prefer "remote" business with Japan, we will develop your business by carrying out the marketing of your products up to the stage you yourself would like to enter it. Vice versa, you can do your Japanese business completely by yourself and ask us just for the language support such as translation and interpreting. Also, for those who want to get as deepest insight in Japan as possible we provide tailor-made tourism.
The contract appurtenances towards the Czech clients go upon the Czech Economic Code, Czech is the language of the case. On the territory of Japan, however, we act in accordance with Japanese acts, bills, codes, customs, manners and ettiquette.